Hey There
Welcome to my website andrewezarb.com. Here you can find my photos which I took over the years. Through this website you can book a photoshoot; buy prints and contact me for any queries. Thank you for visiting and enjoy the photos.
Andrew E Zarb
The guy behind the camera.
Born on the 4th April 1989. Born and raised in Malta. Full time technician and photographer; part time farmer.
Self-taught photographer. Photography is a passion, always waiting and searching for the best shots - till the best shots come to you. My passion for nature is expressed through the photos - they talk to me. The relationship I have with other humans is there, in the periods I borrow from them. Always yearning to learn more from other passionate photographers - my esteemed mentors.
My photos are taken with both digital and analogue cameras. The colored world intrigues me; the black and white world creates more curiosity and emotions in me. Many times I am described as a quiet person yet most of the time I let photos speak what my mind could never utter through words.